The Best Electric Rates & Plans in Spring, Texas

electric company spring tx

Spring electricity rates are lower than the US national average. However, knowing which type of electricity plan to choose, the contract term and the type of energy that will be used to power your home is another thing. In fact, you can save up to 20% on your monthly electricity bill by simply choosing the electricity provider. To do so, read through our guide and learn how to compare electric rates for a cheaper service. 

Before that, it is important to understand Spring electric rates and how they are formed. It is also important to understand how energy plans in Spring influence your electricity rate and your monthly bill. You will also learn about the benefits of a deregulated energy market and how solar panels, with a smart meter, can help trim off some of the electricity you use during the month. 

Spring Electricity Rates

But, before that, it is important to consider Spring electricity rates. As there are many of them, browsing through all the plans can be a headache. To make your job easier, we did exactly that and can present to your the top 20 most popular electricity plans in Spring, Texas: 

Energy Plan and CompanyPlan LengthElectric Rate
4Change Energy - Maxx Saver Select 2424 months$0.091 / kWh
4Change Energy - Maxx Saver Select 1212 months$0.092 / kWh
Flagship Power - Galleon1000 1212 months$0.100 / kWh
Direct Energy - Live Brighter Lite 1212 months$0.117 / kWh
Constellation - 12 Month Usage Bill Credit12 months$0.119 / kWh
Green Mountain - Pollution Free e-Plus 24 Preferred24 months$0.126 / kWh
4Change Energy - Smart Thermostat 2424 months$0.129 / kWh
Reliant - Reliant Basic Power 12 plan12 months$0.132 / kWh
Constellation - 12 Month (No Min Usage Fee)12 months$0.135 / kWh
Flagship Power - Cruiser 2424 months$0.143 / kWh
Flagship Power - Cruiser 3636 months$0.144 / kWh
Flagship Power - Windsurfer 1212 months$0.145 / kWh
Flagship Power - Windsurfer 2424 months$0.147 / kWh
Frontier Utilities - Frontier NHF 12+12 months$0.152 / kWh
4Change Energy - Power Maxx Saver 2424 months$0.158 / kWh
Payless Power - Simple 66 months$0.168 / kWh
Frontier Utilities - Frontier Saver Value 1212 months$0.174 / kWh
Gexa Energy - Gexa Eco Saver Advantage 1212 months$0.188 / kWh
Frontier Utilities - Frontier Saver Max 1212 months$0.193 / kWh
Gexa Energy - Gexa Eco Saver Premium 1212 months$0.194 / kWh

Here, you can see that electricity is not expensive and that energy plans in Spring are numerous, each with its own pros and cons. For this reason, it is important to use Electricrate. Simply enter your ZIP code and compare Spring electricity offers. This way, you will be able to choose the right type of plan (more on this later) and secure an affordable and reliable service for your home and family. 

In fact, the average electricity rate in Spring, Texas, is as low as $0.1446, which is 8.8% lower than the national average. With an average electricity use of 1,602 kWh a month, or 19,224 kWh a year, the average electricity bill is as high as $192 per month, for a total of $2,304 per year. This is much higher than in the rest of the US, so enter your ZIP code on Electricrate now and start saving today. 

Average Electric Bill in Spring, Tx

With an average energy bill of $192 per month, Spring, TX, is not so cheap after all. In fact, the high bills may be a source of confusion for many since we said before that Spring had a lower average electricity rate than the rest of the US. Even with the best electricity plan in a deregulated market like this, you should be aware that Spring households buy electricity in large amounts – in particular for their HVAC units. Being able to choose the best electricity company in Spring and the best plan will help you save several hundred dollars each year – money you can invest in insulation for even more savings. 

Spring Electric Companies

All the plans we’ve mentioned before are offered by several electric providers in the area. When you compare spring electricity rates, it is important to consider the company that delivers this electricity as well. As a Texas resident, you have the right to choose your energy provider, but also the right to learn more about them. Enter your ZIP code on ElectricRate, find out about your preferred provider, and then go on to to learn more about them. Always remember, you have the right to choose the provider you like:

Factors That Affect Electricity Rates

Spring electricity rates do not depend only on the energy provider you decide to sign the contract with. If this was the case, then all the electricity providers in the state of Texas would offer equally low electricity rates. As this is not the case, it is useful to know what factors affect the electric rates that come with your energy plan. Here are a few of them: 


All electricity is generated in power plants. To produce this energy, non-renewable power plants burn fuels of different kinds. They are generally coal, oil, and natural gas, while some renewable or gray-area power plants may burn biomass or even residential waste (in energy-recovery power plants). The prices of these fuels fluctuate in both domestic and international markets. 

Some factors that can influence fuel prices include political instability, the supply and demand ratio, and even weather conditions. In general, the less fuel there is available, and the higher the demand, the higher the fuel price. On the other hand, periods of higher fuel production and lower fuel demand are followed by a decrease in fuel prices. 

Power Plant Prices

As all energy is generated in power plants of one kind or another, it is useful to note that these plants also cost a lot to build. Power plants are generally made to serve tens if not even hundreds of thousands of households. They are also made to last at least 40 years so that all the expenses that come with these power plants are spread out over a 40-year period and all the households they serve. 

Even renewable power plants cost to build. They usually cost less and can generate cheaper electricity. Hydropower plants and their accumulations are notoriously difficult to build, so good maintenance (which again costs) practice and good management are needed to ensure all their potential is realized. Solar panel power plants and wind turbine farms are cheaper, and they can produce the cheapest energy there is, but they still cost a lot. 

Transmission and Distribution Area System

All electricity that is generated has to be delivered to the place of energy usage – in this case, either Spring businesses or residential customers. You may have noticed that there are power lines going to both residential and commercial customers – this is just a part of the transmission and distribution area system. This system is also known as the grid. 

The grid consists of power generators or power plants, power lines, transformers, and all other equipment that is supposed to deliver power to your home or business. This incredible system is the largest man-made system, and it costs a lot to build and maintain. Getting a timely and reliable electricity service depends on this system, so paying a bit with every kWh of electric energy you use is totally worth it. 

Area Regulations

Your local area regulations also have a say in what electricity rates will be offered to you and how high your electricity bill will be. The thing is that, even in a deregulated energy market, your utility and the energy provider have to comply with certain regulations. These regulations are in place to ensure fair play in the market – without them, there would be no regulatory and overseeing bodies that ensure that nobody overpays on their electricity bill in the state of Texas. 

Weather Conditions

The local weather conditions can also influence the energy prices you pay at the end of the month. Even if you compare electricity rates to get the cheapest one, you should always opt for a fixed-rate energy plan (we will cover this in a bit) to get some level of protection against the weather factors that could drive your energy bill up. 

Local and state weather conditions can influence energy rates in two ways: first of all, the weather decides what the power demand will be at any given moment. Temperature extremes, both cold and hot, are known to increase energy prices, which drives your energy bills up. On the other hand, your energy rates can also be influenced by the energy supply, which can easily be further influenced by the weather. 

Namely, the weather conditions can increase your energy consumption and reduce your energy supply. This is evident in the fact that during the lower extreme temperatures, your power plant may work harder but with reduced efficiency. The same goes for the upper extremes. At the same time, cold weather can freeze natural gas pipes and produce a lot of snow which can slow down or delay coal and oil deliveries to the power plants. 

Types of Electricity Plans in Spring, Texas

Once we know what factors can influence energy plan prices, let’s consider different types of electricity plans and how these can influence the electricity rates in Spring, TX. There are several basic kinds of electricity plans, each with its own peculiarities, pros, and cons to consider. Here are some basic types of energy plans offered in Texas: 

  • Fixed-rate plans, 
  • Variable-rate plans, 
  • Prepaid energy plans, 
  • Business (commercial) energy plans, and 
  • Green energy plans. 

Fixed-Rate Plans

Fixed-rate electricity plans are the plans that are our recommendation. These plans offer you the ability to lock in your electricity rates in Spring and to enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that the cheapest Spring electricity rates are secured for you for the duration of the contract term. These plans are available both as residential and commercial electricity rates. 

Fixed-rate plans are, in general, offered at electricity prices that are a bit higher than with the rest of the plans (except prepaid energy plans and green energy plans), but they will keep this energy rate locked in even if your local utility company decides to increase the prices with their other plans. This extra bit of charge is enough for many to choose these plans as their preferred choice, so most electricity providers offer them. 

Variable-Rate Plans

On the other hand, variable-rate energy plans do not cost as much, but the energy price fluctuations are noticeable. Almost all Spring electricity providers offer these plans, as they are still very popular. However, these plans offer cheap electricity during the spring and autumn seasons. During the summer and the winter, when the energy demand is higher and the energy supply lower, the energy rates you would pay could be much higher. 

For this reason, we do not suggest you purchase this kind of energy plan. Although Spring electricity prices are not high, the average electricity rates (on an annual basis) you pay with these energy plans could be much higher. These plans make it difficult to know how much you will be paying and while the low rates in spring may save you money, those in the winter and summer can increase your bills to nullify all the savings. 

Prepaid Energy Plans

Besides fixed and variable-rate plans, there are also prepaid energy plans. These come under many names, so you can also see them called: 

  • No deposit energy plans, 
  • No credit energy plans, 
  • No contract term plans, and 
  • No credit history check energy plans. 

Prepaid energy plans are perfect for all who move a lot and who do not want to sign contracts with electricity companies that would entail long contract terms. These plans cost a bit more, and the fact that you need to estimate or anticipate your energy usage may be off-putting to some. However, no contract term and no credit history check are the benefits that some people would love to enjoy, so these plans are still quite popular among energy companies in Spring, TX. 

Business Energy Plans

Business energy plans or commercial energy plans are available to all business owners in Spring, TX. They are very versatile and cannot be found online, as every business has different energy needs ad because every rate has to be calculated on the spot. Commercial rates in Spring are generally lower than residential rates, so you should keep this in mind when looking for a way to power your business venture. Energy suppliers generally offer cheaper electric service to businesses because they use more energy and because they are a bigger customer – making this a sane business decision. 

Green Energy Plans

When it comes to green energy plans, they are very likely to cost a bit more than regular energy plans. Green plans are also known as renewable energy plans and they are offered by all electricity providers working in the state. Spring electricity providers could recognize the importance that a good green energy plan provides to the customer and include them in their service. 

In any case, the energy from these plans comes from solar, wind, or even hydropower plants. In the case that there are no renewable energy capacities in the vicinity, your electricity service provider will purchase RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) in your name to compensate for the energy you have used. In this case, although you may be using energy coming from non-renewable energy sources, it is necessary to note that your money will go towards supporting the development of renewable capacities elsewhere. 

Energy Deregulation in Texas

The first energy markets in the US and Texas were not regulated at all. This resulted in bad service, unreliable electricity delivery, and a high average rate that everybody had to pay. To ensure good service and fair play in the market, the state introduced regulations – bringing about a set of laws and regulations that were supposed to protect the customers. In 2002, it became clear that a new order was necessary. 

This resulted in energy market deregulation that same year. This way, a way for new providers was opened up, and they could now compete in service quality, customer relations, and even the offer and prices to attract as many customers as possible. Regulatory bodies are still there, but now, it is the private sector that shapes the energy market, ensuring that only the top electric companies in Spring Tx can offer their services. 

How To Find the Best Energy Plan?

This deregulation brought about many new electricity companies and a variety of energy plans that may be difficult to navigate. As all energy suppliers in the state offer several plans, and there are dozens of those, choosing the best energy plan can be a headache. However, there are some steps that you can take to ensure that the energy plan you are about to purchase is the best energy plan for your needs: 

  1. Understand your energy usage and your energy needsenergy providers offer then plans in three tiers – up to 500 kWh a month, 501 kWh to 2,000 kWh, and 2,001 kWh and more per month. Knowing which tier you are in will help you pay less on your energy bill, 
  2. Understand your energy habits – do you use a lot of electricity at night or during the weekend? If this is the case, you may want to consider energy plans with freebies, 
  3. Are you an environmental enthusiast? If this is the case, you may want to consider green energy plans. 

Once all of these are in place, you should check out the plans that are offered in your area. Firstly, head over to ElectricRate and enter your ZIP code to see what energy plans energy providers in the area have to offer. Go through our filters and only choose the settings that you like. While green energy with a fixed rate and a three-year contract term may work for you, some other people may choose the cheapest electricity rates and a variable-rate, short-term plan. 

Once you have a few plans that would work for you, check out energy companies offering them on (Better Business Bureau). This way, you will be able to check out what other customers have to say about the energy company and you may avoid some unpleasant surprises down the road. Make sure to avoid overly positive or overly negative feedback on BBB, as this may be a sign of a fake comment. 

How To Switch Your Electricity Provider?

Once you have checked out several energy suppliers you may be interested in and have found 12 that work for you, call them and compare the electric rates that they offer in Spring, TX. These should 100% match everything you saw online. Once you have confirmed that they offer these rates, you should contact your current provider and see if they can match the offer you got from another provider or not. 

If yes, perfect, you can stay with the current provider. If not, you can choose another provider of your liking. Simply contact them and say that you would like to make a switch. You will need to consult your old monthly bills and have your name, address, and current customer number ready. 

Spring Power Outages

If you experience a power outage in Spring, you should not be contacting your energy provider. In fact, the local distribution service provider is whom you should be contacting. Always remember that this company (AKA the Utility Company) is in charge of keeping your electric service up and running, so contact them and report an outage. In Spring, TX, the utility company is CenterPoint Energy and you can contact them at 1-713-207-2222. 

About Spring, Texas

electric providers spring tx

Spring is a city in Texas that has been established in the early 19th century. This city is close to Galveston, with 1.5 hours of ride to it. If you would like to visit Austin, take at least 3.5 hours for the ride. The same time spent driving will take you to San Antonio City as well. The 62,000 inhabitants of Spring enjoy their time doing outdoor activities, such as visiting parks and green spaces, as well as hiking in the general area. 

Spring also has the gas service provided by the same company. To contact and inquire about the gas service, call 800-752-8036. For electricity service, if you live in Spring, you should call 800-332-7143. 


Is Spring TX Expensive to Live?

Spring, TX, is very comfortable to live in. It is one of the most liveable places in both Texas and the US, and the prices are low. The median living expenses are equal to those of the US, with Groceries, Healthcare, Housing, and Utilities being cheaper than the national average. The costlier services include miscellaneous and transportation, while the medial home value is around $27,000 dollars cheaper than in the rest of the country, at $311,000 for an average home. Source

Are Electric Bills High in Texas?

Electric bills are high in Texas, and some are about to get even higher, as the old electricity contracts expire and are replaced by newer, more expensive ones. The electricity usage in Texas is usually higher than in the rest of the states, as homes are larger, and summer temperature extremes more pronounced. Luckily, the deregulated energy market can absorb some of this shock and secure lower prices for its customers. 

Can you Choose Your Electric Company in Texas?

Yes, you can choose your electric company in Texas. In fact, you can choose the power provider – the company you pay the electricity to. You cannot choose the utility company, which is a company in charge of the grid in your part of the state. 

What is the Cheapest Electricity Provider in Texas?

Any electricity plan that provides electricity at a price lower than $0.1446 per kWh is considered cheap. However, some companies are known for very low energy prices. These include 4Change Energy, Express Energy, Gexa Energy, and Frontier Utilities. 


Whatever your energy needs may be, it is important to switch your energy plans from time to time. Usually done once every few years, the new plan will help you save and will ensure you get to enjoy the time of relatively low energy prices. Some Spring plans also include no credit check, no early termination fees and some freebies, such as free home energy audit and free electricity for a part of the day. So, head over to ElectricRate and compare Spring electricity rates to choose the best. 

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