PPL Electric Choice Rates
Many electricity customers who receive their monthly electric bill from PPL electric are still unaware of electricity choice. The PPL electric delivery service area is one of the most active and robust electricity markets in the United States, with customers having access to dozens of offers and huge savings off of their default rates.
The PPL default rates, tagged Price to Compare by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, are electric rates that PPL passes on to their customers who do not choose a competitive electricity rate. The Price to Compare rates are determined by a series of auctions that PPL organizes. Many customers are surprised to learn that PPL does not profit from their electric supply default rate. The fact is that PPL is encouraging their customer to participate in electric choice. This is due to the fact that PPL is a regulated energy delivery company whose profits and revenue margins are regulated by the state of Pennsylvania. They are not involved in the electricity supply business.
Residential and small business customers in PPL have their electric price to compare default rates set for six months at a time. Currently electric savings are available for these customers by locking in low fixed electric rates with competitive electric suppliers. The largest electricity savings are present for small business and commercial customers (10-25%). There are also a number of incentives and promotions available, offered by competitive suppliers, to entice customers to switch to their electric service.
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