Low Con Edison Electricity Rates

Con Edison is one of the largest electric utility companies in the world. The company delivers power to consumers in the five burrows of New York City as well as close to one million customers in Westchester County. Coned serves approximately 7.8 million residential customers in New York City.

Prior to energy choice in New York, Con Edison was also responsible for the electricity generation for all of their customers. With the passing of the New York energy deregulation laws, ConEd was restructured and is now primarily responsible for delivering power to their customers and not the generation and supply portion of the ConEd electric bill. The companies’ focus is not on providing low electricity rates for supply service.

New York electricity customers have the ability to choose their energy supplier from a variety of companies termed ESCOs (Energy Supply Companies) by the New York State Public Service Commission. Energy choice in New York provides consumers with options when it comes to buying power. While the majority of consumers will focus on finding the lowest New York electric rate, some might be willing to pay more for green renewable energy. Home owners who are not planning on moving anytime soon might decide to lock in a low fixed rate for up to three years, while more transient consumers might prefer to select a variable electric rate product that is tied to the constantly moving wholesale energy markets. Consumers who take the time to compare electric rates will benefit the most in the long run.

After selecting an ESCO company to supply your home with power, Con Edison will still continue to deliver power to your home, read the electric meter, respond to emergencies, maintain the power grid, and in most cases deliver the monthly electric bill to you as they have done in the past. Con Edison will also provide default supply service for those customers who are slow to accept New York energy choice.

All New York energy companies offering electricity service are licensed by the state and work closely with the local utility (ConEd in NYC) to maintain the service and quality of power. Choosing a competitive electricity supplier does not affect the quality of power or upset Con Edison. Selecting an ESCO to supply your power does not have a negative financial effect on Con Edison.

Below are current competitive low Con Edison electric rates (updated daily) in the Con Edison area.

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