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Jiyuan Dating

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Tinder Opens in a new window. The matchup caps of a year of mergers and acquisitions between App tech companies including giants Didi-Kuaidi, Meituan-Dianping and Ganji. Jiayuan also joins a host of Chinese tech companies that have made plans to de-list from the U. Dating has previously jiayuan they intend to list locally.

Users on Jiayuan. Other value-added services include virtual gifts, highter search rankings, priority rankings for sent messages and more. The dating site claims to have 90 million users in 80 different cities across China. Linguang Wu, executive director of Jiayuan, will become co-executive of the for company following the closure of the deal. China new entity has not yet disclosed a name. Eva Xiao is a tech reporter based in Shanghai. Contact her at eva. More by Eva Xiao. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your jiyuan data is processed.

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