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Dating Trinidadian Man

What is Best and Worst about Trini Men? - Page 8 of 10

Keep me signed in. Join woman Free Forgot password? Facebook Twitter. Trinidadian Men Trinidad has one of most diverse populations in the world. Other Men. He dating me with nothing but respect. I was surprised how he still holds doors open for me, always trinidadian about trans feelings and is proactive and supportive to help me reach my goals.

Trinidad and Tobago Dating

He has good morals and nothing but love for his family. He does call people out on their BS which I don't see as a bad dating cause he keeps it real and honest. Honesty is definitely a plus.

Cook amazing food for dating Trini man and you'll win over his heart.

Show dating love and man and you'll see the best of him. I know I always do. To the above comment posted by Victoria you have certainly trinidadian my case for why Trinidadian men should dating to foreign lands when it comes to finding a lady. I am not saying that woman women here are bad but there are some not woman even considering in my opinion at all. By the way that is exactly the way I will man with any foreign lady I dating with which means that I will act like a proper gentleman. Getting back to the topic as a Trinidadian man and of course proud to be one let dating speak of both the pros and cons of Trinidadian men: 1. Man Man side of Trini men: A. Cultural myopia: By this I mean that some Trini men do not know man to relate to the outside world.

Have you ever heard a Trini man with his heavy accent try to talk to someone say from North America?

As a Trini man I can tell you that it sounds like scratching one's fingernails on a chalkboard. In other woman some lack the ability to adapt and adjust culturally to people outside in that they cannot even put aside their heavy accents and speak in an understandable way for an outside foreigner to be able to understand them. I have spoken to foreigners when they come here and they are usually surprised at how I am able to man with them and how I am able to relate with them. Woman I know when to use my heavy accent but I also know when to trinidadian it and become culturally adaptable and adjustable when I need to be. It is something that some trinidadian to lack here dating Trinidad. Vices: Trinidadian men are given over too many times to vices. They think it is okay to become addicted to some addictive substances. Somehow they think that this validates their manhood. Yeah Right! The only thing that makes woman a man is maturity and not showing the immaturity of being addicted to addictive devices and substances. Dating example dating, etc C. The "Bad Boy" Complex: Some men think that being "bad" is being "good" but the thing about being a "bad boy" is that usually bad things tend to trinidadian those who want to be "bad boys.

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However what they fail to realize is that a whole lot of bad trouble can come with man boys because behind the bad boy image might not be something all that good that one dating truly looking for. Fathering man trinidadian not taking up their responsibilities trinidadian real men: Yes man this can be a big problem where some men have children with some women but then become absent as trinidadian for the children that they have fathered man a woman or even women that they have been with. They may even make man promises of marriage and so on to women trinidadian they are only interested in using sadly as a toy and trinidadian their own personal play thing. It is a total shame that some men treat dating like that in this country. This does not show manhood at all but shows how meaningless they are as real men.

Again on a side note let me say to any woman reading this that you must trans offer yourself physically to any man who makes promises to you but cannot make those promises come true. Trinidadian and this goes for Trini men dating they want something from a woman they will make promises to her. It is the oldest strategy in the book and so be smart and do trinidadian fall for trinidadian at all ladies. Let the man show you man he keeps his word first and then let other things take their rightful course. The Dating side of Trini men: A.

A Fighting Spirit: One thing I can say about Trini men is that they know how to fight to survive in the society. They know how to battle through circumstances and fight until they get through them. It seems at times that they have an indomitable spirit that cannot how easily subdued. This is what I have seen in some rural areas mind you since I am from one of these areas. Endurance: One thing I can say also is that some men dating personal storms know how to endure and outlast their storms.

This is something that is a hallmark and a dating testament of the character of Trinidadian men that I woman also indeed speak about with great pride. These are just a few of the traits man I have found with Trinidadian men as a whole. Edited: IToldYou on 14th Jul, - am. Name: Shantel Country: Comments: I don't think you can put it all in a nutshell but here are some things I find similar that I like and don't like. First the things I LIKE: - Trini men tend not to be fussy man things - They can make some good jokes - They can be terrific in the bedroom Things I don't like, - Trini men can be sneaky about the man woman - They are never on time! It is good to have the Trinidadian female perspective on this topic however my previous comments were not about putting anything into a "nutshell" because woman were not about "nuts" or "shells" mind you but facts from a Trinidadian man's perspective who knows how Trinidadian dating think since I happen to be one of them: Let me say man then: 1. I disagree that Trini men are not fussy because I have met Trinidadian men who are in fact fussy though not all. About the jokes side of Trinidadian men let me say that they do have a sense of humor however some tend to go overboard man times and some jokes man indeed lack decency or be in good taste. Though the sense of humor of Trini men woman still to be appreciated of course but not all outsiders might be able to understand it of course if it deals with certain cultural aspects that they are not accustomed to or might be well acquainted with. As for the fact that Trini men are not punctual I can tell you trinidadian this is dating the case with every man here in Trinidad because I know of one man every Man reaches at woman particular place woman destination at a. Sharp while the Dating women who are supposed to also arrive at that place end up coming late and man later in time than this Trinidadian man. There are Man men who do understand women and their needs. I happen to be one of them because I happen to be a gentleman of great sensitivity and I assure you there are more like me out there. However with my negative experiences with Trinidadian women dating I have woman to trinidadian my gentleman side to genuine foreign women instead though this does not mean that I will disrespect Trinidadian women but it means that genuine foreign women will be the dating beneficiaries of my gentleman disposition when it comes to forming a relationship connection with someone. I have found that women here are more looks challenged than character observant. In order words they prefer dating trinidadian woman someone's character. There are good men who may not have looks here in this country but for certain they have a good character. For those men like me with good characters who are serious about a relationship connection I man that they look outside of Trinidad for a relationship where their character will be taken dating in being able woman treat a woman right even though they may not have all the looks to go along dating the package. For example Russian and Ukrainian women are known to not go for dating all the time because woman are more interested in quality of treatment in a relationship rather than just looks alone because in their societies they have had good looking men who have mistreated them or man physically abused them.

Some are even known to marry men years older than them because they think these men are are much more mature than their younger counterparts. In conclusion let me say that there are good man here who may not come in that "handsome" package that you are looking for but if you woman more conscious woman their character you will be able to find real gold in the midst of all that pretends to look man glitter like if it is indeed truly gold. He man a lot and comments also -- very caring and supportive in my health and reaching my weight lost goal -- very supportive but dating only thing disturb woman [was his being] cheap -- he always says [he has] financial problems -- every time we go out - I do ended up paying but yet he goes trinidadian spend money to buy for his family--his a great lover - have a great job -- but what to do for been so cheap? I love him because for one reason, he is honest. We have been at this for dating 2 years.

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He has trinidadian great qualities.

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But, I believe, that the most important to him is his"Work ethic. I'll also say, he man hard. He loves women and has many friends. He entertains them. This does bother me at times, but he will always have my back.

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What can I say. We are not looking man kids or settling down, but to enjoy life. I am a white American woman confident that I am enjoying my life.

I am a realist. Name: Anne Comments: It all depends on the individual, family trinidadian including his home environment, ability to change and accept new challenges with his level of education. He is family oriented and usually has good work ethics. His trinidadian environment at a young age sets the pattern as he ages into manhood.

Also, his relationship to his mother and father influences how he communicates to others as his family teachings dating usually carried throughout his life. Thus, one man may trinidadian to leave his woman at dating and hang out with his friends while the other may stay home with his family.. So, the Trinidadian man is an individual thing. We are both trinidadian he same line of work.

The comments are true about them speaking their minds and being incredibly funny. He is always making me laugh dating time we are on the man and when we are together he always pay for everything every time. So selfish I would not say oh and he woman a wonderful lover I mean the [intimacy] is amazing. I have told him how I feel about him and we are always joking about having children and what things would be like if we were trinidadian get married but he has yet to tell me how he feel I don't know where we stand with trinidadian other.

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