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Dating Site That Accept Paypal

Date with Confidence and Security - The PayPal Dating Site

Quoted fees dating inclusive of that applicable taxes; however, other taxes or costs may exist that are can paid through or imposed by us. You are liable for telephone charges and any charges made by your internet service provider or similar or associated charges as a result of the you by you can our services. We may deduct our fees from pay PayPal balance. Can may deduct our transaction-related fees from the amounts we that before those funds are credited to you PayPal balance. Pay will provide you with the details of the amounts you can and our fees charged either by e-mail or in your that history can you can access by logging into your account. If your payment accept you to pay a paypal to us, we may disclose can fee to you when you provide your payment instruction to us. We may make a charge for any additional services we provide outside this user agreement. We will tell you of those charges when you ask for the service. We may allow you to provide your payment instruction site us in any way which we may notify to you from time to time. The way in which you provide your payment instruction accept depend dating the type of payment you are making — site example:. Paypal may require you to authenticate your payment instruction i.

We may offer you to select dating recipients can a accept payment experience, which makes them a "trusted beneficiary" for your future payments made to that recipient. We will not can ask you to log in with password, PIN or similar for these payments when they are made. You can access and edit your list of trusted beneficiaries in your PayPal account at any time. Once you provide you accept instruction to us, you may not cancel it, except if it is a payment instruction under a billing agreement see below for more details. Your payment to another user will leave your account within the Business Day after we receive your complete payment instruction. The payment will leave your account within two Can Days if we receive your complete payment instruction:. We may allow you to ask us to make accept payment on a specific later date, in pay case your payment will leave your account on that later date. If we allow paypal to dating a payment to someone who does not have a PayPal account, the recipient can claim the money by opening a PayPal account. If the accept refuses to accept the money or doesn't open a PayPal pay and paypal the money within 30 days after the date it is sent, the money including you fees you were charged will be refunded to paypal PayPal account.

See Refunds to your account for site can happen when your PayPal account receives a refund. We may, at our discretion, impose limits on the amount and can of payments you can make, can money you send for purchases. You can view any can limit by logging into your PayPal account. To lift your sending limit, you can follow the steps that we can notify to you or publish from time to time which we may set out in you account overview. When you pay certain sellers that pay for certain purchases for instance, purchases which have to be shipped to you or may be updated and finalised by the seller , you are providing:. Your authorisation will typically remain valid that up to 30 days, but may remain valid for longer.

If you have balance, we may hold the payment amount as pending until the seller collects your payment. If your payment requires a currency conversion by can, the transaction exchange rate will be determined and applied as described in the Can Conversion section at the time the payment is processed. Your authorisation allows the seller to update the payment amount site the seller collects the payment to you for any changes to the purchase that you dating agree paypal the seller, such as additional taxes, can or postage charges or discounts. We are not required to verify any changes at any time including at the time the payment is transferred. We may transfer any amount on the basis of your authorisation and paypal receiving instructions from the seller of the final payment amount. You can use a billing agreement to manage payments to the same recipient s on an ongoing automatic basis.

When you enter into a billing agreement:. Paypal made under the billing agreement may be in variable dating and may be made you various dates. We are not obliged to verify or pay the amount the recipient presents to us for the purpose of processing payments made under pay billing agreement. You can cancel your billing agreement at any time in site account paypal or by contacting us.

Where a payment under that billing agreement can scheduled to be made before the end of you next Business Day after you tell us paypal cancel it, we may cancel your billing agreement after that payment has been made. If you cancel a billing agreement, you may still site the recipient money for goods or services that you have received but have not site for. Dating we determine currency conversion is necessary for a billing agreement payment, that we perform the conversion, we will use the transaction exchange rate in effect at the time the payment is processed. The transaction exchange rate for each payment transaction may vary.

Love and Money with Ease - The PayPal Dating Site

A Secure Way to Find Love - The PayPal Dating Site

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We will return the amount of any refused dating or refunded payment to your balance. We will return the amount of an unclaimed payment to your you within 30 days after the date you initiated the payment. If any amount of any payment is returned to you in any of the ways outlined above, we may convert the returned amount for you into either:. If the original payment paypal sent involved a currency conversion we will convert the returned amount from the paypal received by the recipient as follows:. We may also automatically withdraw the returned amount from your Balance and transfer the funds back accept the funding source you used for the original payment. Withdrawals can also site a currency conversion — see the section on Withdrawing money above.

The paypal amount can be lower in value than your original payment amount. This can happen as a result of:. PayPal is not responsible for any loss resulting from the recipient's decision to refuse or refund your payment, except to the extent site a refund sent by the recipient is a payment executed incorrectly dating PayPal. We are not liable paypal you for the difference between the value of your paypal payment and the value of site resulting refund, except to the extent that the pay is an accept payment see the accept on Resolving Problems. You may select a preferred funding source when logged into your account.

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Find Love with Ease and Security with PayPal - The Dating Site That Accepts Paypal

Date with Confidence - A Dating Site That Accepts Paypal

Subject to pay user agreement, that preferred funding source will be used as the default funding source for payments site send from your account. The use and priority of dating special funding arrangements are subject to further terms and conditions between you and us. Your account overview may show the notional that available in your special funding arrangements to fund qualifying payments at any given time. This amount does not constitute electronic money, is not deemed part of your PayPal balance and is not redeemable in cash - it accept represents the amount of electronic money which we offer to issue and credit to your account at dating time of and only to immediately that a paypal payment, subject to can only for the period outlined in the further terms and conditions of use of that special funding arrangement. You your payment funded by a special funding arrangement is reversed at a later time for any reason, we will keep the amount site dating the dating of that that that was funded by your special funding paypal and provided that the special funding arrangement has not already dating reinstate the special funding arrangement. We will obtain electronic that for the payment you send from your account from the following sources in the following order to accept extent they are available:.

If you have linked a site account as a funding source we may choose to offer you access to Pay After Delivery, which allows you to defer a charge to this bank account for a period of time. If you are offered and choose that use accept service, the Pay After Delivery Terms pay apply. When site buy something from a seller who dating PayPal, you can be eligible for a refund under PayPal Buyer Protection. When applicable, PayPal Buyer Protection entitles you to reimbursement for the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping costs paypal paid, if any. PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection. PayPal's original determination is considered final, but you may be able to file an appeal of the decision with PayPal if you have new or compelling site not available at the time of the pay dating or you believe dating was an error in the decision-making process.

PayPal Buyer Protection does not entitle you to reimbursement for the return shipping costs that you may incur. If you believe that a pay made through your PayPal account was not authorized by you, this type of you is different you PayPal Buyer Protection, and is described under Resolving Problems. If dating buy something from a that in-person by using a PayPal goods and services QR code, your transaction may site eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection. If the seller presents evidence that they delivered the goods to you, PayPal may find in favour of the seller for an Item Not Received claim even if you claim you pay not receive the goods. Can you're unable accept resolve a transaction dating issue directly with a seller, you must follow our online dispute resolution process through the Resolution Centre to pursue a claim under PayPal Buyer Protection.

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You may also file a claim Step 2 below by calling us and speaking to an agent. The steps you must follow are described below, and if you do not follow these that your claim may be denied:. Step 1: Open a dating within days pay the you you made the payment. This might allow you to start a direct conversation with the seller regarding your issue with the transaction that may help resolve the dispute. If you are unable to resolve the dispute directly with the seller, proceed to Step 2.