Comparing The Best Electric Companies in Baytown, Tx in 2024

baytown electricians

Have you noticed how you’re using electric power from the time you wake up till you hit the hay? In fact, it seems the world would come to a standstill if there were no electricity. However, this convenience comes at a price, a relatively high one if we base it on the ever-rising per kWh rates.  

With the surging electricity costs, we’re sure you’re hunting for ways to reduce those pesky bills. One smart approach is opting for an electricity company that offers competitive rates. Choosing the right provider can make a noticeable dent in your monthly expenses and provide you with excellent customer service to boot. 

Baytown, Texas has a deregulated energy market. So if you live in the area, you have a range of power companies looking to provide you with affordable electric service. That’s great news because one will likely fit your needs, budget, and lifestyle.

You might wonder, “How can I find such a company?” We’re here to help, so let’s get started. 

Baytown Electricity Rates

Keeping the lights on in your house requires electricity. As several companies operate in Baytown, you’ll see a range of rates for each of their energy plans. That could work to your advantage because it allows you to select the one that meets your criteria. However, with so many energy providers promising the best deals, zeroing in on the best company takes a lot of effort. 

Fear not! We aim to ease the selection process because we know that understanding the electric rates landscape can positively impact your budget. To start, we’ll give you the lowdown on which companies in Baytown offer the most affordable prices.  

Here are the top electricity companies in the city, along with their electricity plans and corresponding rates.  

Energy Plan and CompanyPlan LengthElectric Rate
12 Month Usage Bill Credit (Constellation Energy)12 months$0.129 / kWh
36 Month Usage Bill Credit (Constellation Energy)36 months$0.135 / kWh
Maxx Saver Select 12 (4Change Energy)12 months$0.092 / kWh
Cash Money 12 (4Change Energy)12 months$0.119 / kWh
Frontier Saver Plus 12 (Frontier Utilities)12 months$0.092 / kWh
Frontier NHF 12+ (Frontier Utilities)12 months$0.152 / kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Plus 12 (Gexa Energy)12 months$0.092 / kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Lite 12 (Gexa Energy)12 months$0.179 / kWh
Wise Buy 24 (Discount Power)24 months$0.118 / kWh
Reliant Basic Power 24 plan (Reliant Energy)24 months$0.130 / kWh
Reliant Truly Free Nights 100% Solar 12 plan (Reliant Energy)12 months$0.152 / kWh
Simple 6 (Payless Power)6 months$0.165 / kWh
Premier 12 (Payless Power)12 months$0.165 / kWh
Galleon1000 12 (Flagship Power)12 months$0.100 / kWh
Galleon1000 36 (Flagship Power)36 months$0.105 / kWh

Average Electric Bill in Baytown, Tx

Deregulation allowed the entry of several energy providers in Baytown, turning electricity distribution into a competitive market. With each company trying to entice power customers to sign up for their plans, they strive to offer the best rates and services. This has helped keep the power rates reasonable, although they tend to fluctuate like in most parts of the country. 

Residential consumers in Bayton pay an average of 13.72 per kWh. This amount is slightly higher than the state’s average residential rate of 12.62 cents. However, it’s less than the country’s average of 14.84 cents for every kWh.  

Commercial electricity comes at an average rate of 7.21 per kWh, lower than Lone Star State’s median commercial price of 8.76 cents per kWh. It’s also significantly less than the national average rate of 11.93 cents for every kWh. 

Keep in mind that these rates are just averages. Due to the volatility of electricity prices in the market, the per kWh Bayton residents and business owners pay can vary, sometimes dramatically. 

Baytown Electric Companies

When powering up your home or business, having a reliable and efficient electricity supply is a must. Luckily, Baytown is home to several electric providers that can get the job done. So whether you’re a resident looking for affordable rates or a business owner seeking an uninterrupted power supply, there’s a company out there to meet your specific requirements. 

These are the top energy companies that serve the Baytown area.

Energy CompanyContact Information
4Change Energy888-250-2215
Amigo Energy866-993-4445
Cirro Energy866-965-5600
Constellation Energy877-390-0411
Direct Energy866-285-4447
Discount Power866-996-1740
Flagship Power866-747-7111
Frontier Utilities866-280-3131
Gexa Energy888-688-8460
Green Mountain Energy866-983-4770
Just Energy866-587-8674
New Power Texas888-316-0697
Payless Power855-854-8490
Pulse Power888-317-1431
Reliant Energy866-983-4620
TXU Energy800-818-6132
Tara Energy877-599-2580

Factors That Affect Electricity Rates

Do you cringe each time you open your electricity bill? We don’t blame you, as power prices seldom dip. Unfortunately, minimizing your consumption won’t wholly reduce your power expenses as other factors affect the per kWh rate you pay. 

Let’s see what can push the price up or down the scale. Understanding what influences electricity rates can help you be savvy with your finances, plan ahead and make eco-friendly choices. Knowledge is power; in this case, it can also help you keep the lights on without breaking the bank. 


Power plants need fuel to generate electricity, and the type of fuel used directly affects electricity rates. Fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, have been the go-to choice for generating electricity for a long time. 

However, the prices of these fuels can fluctuate, sometimes, dramatically. Factors like supply, demand, extraction cost, and even geopolitical events can drive the prices up. When the cost of these fuels goes up, it can push electricity rates higher since power companies need to cover their expenses. 

Power Plant Prices

Building a power plant requires a significant investment in materials, labor, and machinery. Constructing one, say, a natural gas power plant, can cost over $6,000,000 for 74 generators.  

Running and maintaining the plant adds to the expenses. Maintenance costs cover activities like inspections, equipment servicing, and parts replacement to ensure smooth operation and longevity of the plant. 

Complying with regulatory requirements often involves additional expenses, as well. This usually involves installing pollution control devices, managing emissions, and adhering to safety protocols, all of which costs money. All the expenses incurred by the company are factored into the pricing of electricity. 

Transmission and Distribution Area System

The electricity generated in power plants needs to get to homes, businesses, and other places where it’s needed. That’s where the transmission and distribution area systems come into play. It’s like the highway for electricity, responsible for carrying large amounts of electricity over long distances from the power plant to different areas.  

Like the power plants, the construction, operation, and maintenance of the infrastructure associated with delivering electricity involve a large amount. This cost is spread across all electricity consumers, meaning that it’s a crucial consideration for electricity pricing. 

Area Regulations

Different areas have different regulations when it comes to electricity, which can directly impact how much you pay for your power. For example, some states may have strict regulations and require that power companies generate electricity from renewable sources.  

This regulation is great for the environment but can increase the overall cost of producing electricity. Consumers pay for that added expense through higher electricity rates. 

In addition, area regulations can impact the availability of some energy sources. For example, some areas ban or heavily regulate the use of coal. This increases reliance on other, often more expensive, energy sources like natural gas or renewables. This affects the overall cost of electricity production and, consequently, the rates.  

Weather Conditions

It’s incredible how even Mother Nature has a say in the electricity rates. One way she does this is through the temperature. During hot summers or cold winters, when everyone cranks up their air conditioners or heaters, the demand for electricity skyrockets. This increased demand puts a strain on the power grid, and as a result, electricity rates can spike. 

Another weather-related element that affects electricity rates is extreme weather events like storms or hurricanes. These can cause damage to power lines, transformers, and other infrastructure, leading to power outages. When these disruptions occur, utilities may need to invest in repairs and maintenance, which can drive up the costs of generating and distributing electricity. Ultimately, these costs are passed on to consumers through higher electricity rates. 

Weather conditions also impact renewable energy sources. For example, solar power generation relies heavily on sunlight, so cloudy or overcast days can reduce energy output. Likewise, wind turbines require consistent wind speeds to generate electricity efficiently. If weather conditions don’t cooperate, the output from these renewable sources can decrease, and power companies may need to rely on more costly traditional power generation methods. 

Types of Electricity Plans in Baytown, Texas

Deregulation in Baytown opened the doors to competition in the electricity market. It broke the monopoly a single utility company held and allowed multiple providers to enter the scene. As such, residential and business customers in the city have the freedom to choose an electricity plan that suits their needs, preferences, and budget. 

We’ll discuss the different types of plans in Baytown to help ensure you make the right choice. 

Fixed-Rate Plans

Fixed-rate plans are all about stability and predictability. With this plan type, you agree to pay a fixed price for your electricity throughout the contract, typically for a set period, like 6 months or a year. 

You know how energy prices can sometimes go all over the place. With a fixed-rate plan, you don’t have to worry about that. You’ll pay the same rate for your electricity, regardless of any market fluctuations. 

This type of plan can be pretty handy for budgeting because you know exactly what to expect on your monthly bill. It gives you a sense of stability and helps you avoid any surprises. Whether electricity prices skyrocket or dip, your rate remains constant. 

Regarding disadvantages, fixed-rate plans may have some conditions, like early termination fees, if you switch providers before the contract ends. So, read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions before committing to one. 

Variable-Rate Plans

Unlike fixed-rate plans, where you pay the same price for electricity throughout the contract, with variable-rate plans, the price you pay for electricity often changes from month to month. These plans are usually tied to the wholesale price of electricity, which can fluctuate based on supply and demand. 

The great thing about variable rate plans is that when electricity prices drop, you can take advantage of those lower rates and save money on your monthly bill. They also don’t require a long-term commitment. On the flip side, if prices go up, you’ll end up paying more for your electrical needs. 

This plan type can be appealing because they offer the potential for savings when electricity prices drop. However, prices can also go up, so there’s a level of uncertainty involved. 

Prepaid Energy Plans

Think of prepaid energy plans as a pay-as-you-go system for electricity. Instead of receiving a monthly bill based on your consumption, you pay for your electricity upfront. 

You start by purchasing a certain amount of electricity credit, similar to topping up your mobile phone balance. As you use electricity, the cost is deducted from your prepaid balance. You can monitor your usage and remaining credit through a smart meter or an online portal provided by your electricity provider. 

Prepaid plans can give you more control over your electrical usage by letting you keep tabs on your consumption and adjust your usage accordingly. This can be helpful if you’re trying to stick to a budget. Plus, since you pay upfront, you don’t have to worry about unexpected bill shocks at the end of the month. 

When it comes to disadvantages, prepaid electricity plans might have higher rates compared to traditional postpaid plans. The convenience and flexibility come at a cost, so it’s worth considering your energy usage patterns and comparing the rates before making a decision. 

Business Energy Plans

Baytown features a 15,000-acre industrial park, one the largest of its kind. Major corporations, such as ExxonMobil, Bayer, and Chevron, also call the city their home. This indicates a robust business climate. 

To stay competitive, you need to streamline your overhead expenses. Choosing a business energy plan with affordable rates is one way to reduce your costs. Baytown electricity providers know that, so they’ve come up with a range of plans designed to meet the unique energy needs of commercial and industrial establishments. 

Green Energy Plans

Also called renewable energy plans, green energy plans are all about promoting and utilizing environmentally friendly energy sources. Instead of relying heavily on traditional sources like coal, oil, and gas, these plans harness the power of natural resources that won’t run out or harm the environment. Think solar energy, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, and even biomass. 

The great thing about green energy plans is how they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a healthier planet. They also often come with incentives, like tax credits, to encourage individuals and businesses to make the switch. 

Energy Deregulation in Texas

With energy deregulation, Texas opened up its energy market to competition. Before the passage of the law that deregulated electricity,  a single company handled both the generation and distribution of electric power. With deregulation, things changed. Now, residents of the Lone Star State have the power to choose their electricity provider.  

Having multiple energy providers means more options for finding the best rates and plans that suit your needs. It also lets you choose the type of energy you want. You see, in a deregulated market, you’re not limited to a single source of energy. You can select from various options like renewable energy, traditional fossil fuels, or a mix of both.  

Deregulation also encourages innovation and the development of new technologies in the energy sector. With increased competition, energy companies are motivated to invest in research and development, looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and discover alternative energy sources. This can lead to advancements in renewable energy, energy storage, and other technologies that benefit both consumers and the environment. 

Whether deregulating the energy market is a wise move depends on personal views. But summing it up, like with most things, having deregulated electricity has its set of pros and cons.  

How To Find the Best Energy Plan?

Energy plans in Baytown come in different types, and each offers varying pricing structures, contract lengths, and perks. Finding one that tailor-fits your consumption levels and patterns can make a big difference in your monthly expenses. So if you intend to switch to another energy plan, it’s essential to do your research. 

Here’s how you can increase your chances of finding an electric provider in the city that can help lower your utility payments.

  • Know your energy consumption: This crucial step allows you to compare rates better, as most energy providers in Baytown typically base their rate quotes on 2000 kWh consumption. That means your rates will vary from their quoted rates if you have lower or higher consumption. 
  • Check the type of electricity used: Electrical power can be generated from traditional or renewable energy sources. Many companies in Baytown offer energy plans using both these sources. Some even have 100% renewable energy plans. 
  • Decide which plan will suit you best: Your usage level and pattern will help you decide which energy plan can save you money. For example, a time-of-use plan might be a good option if you use more electricity during off-peak hours. 

How To Switch Your Electricity Provider?

You can be confident of your chances of getting excellent electric service in Baytown, thanks to the number of reliable providers in the city. You’ll just need to choose the right energy company and make the switch. 

The great news is that transferring to another electricity provider is a breeze. You can even do the actual switch online. Here’s how to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

  • Check your contract details: Do you have a fixed or variable-rate plan? What’s the contract length (if any)? Fixed-rate plans often come with early termination charges. However, you can cancel the contract 14 days before its termination date without incurring penalties.  
  • Compare the rates of different energy companies: Armed with the knowledge of your consumption level and pattern, compare the per kWh price of electricity each provider offers. Check if they offer reduced rates for your electricity consumption habits. 
  • Sign up with the chosen provider: You can do this process online. Be ready with basic information. These include address, electricity usage, and your desired energy plan. The new provider will make the switch for you. 

About Baytown, Texas

baytown utility

Nestled in the heart of the Lone Star State is a city that’ll make you feel right at home. Situated in the Gulf Coast portion of Texas, Baytown is part of the Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown metropolitan area. 

Its proximity to Houston gives it the vibe of a city bustling with business activity. Meanwhile, with its prime location on the Gulf Coast, this city offers fantastic opportunities for fishing, boating, and all sorts of water sports. 

If you’re a nature lover, you’re in for a treat. Baytown is blessed with stunning landscapes and natural beauty. Head over to the Baytown Nature Center, where you can stroll along scenic trails, spot all kinds of birds, and even catch a glimpse of playful dolphins frolicking in the water. It’s a slice of heaven for wildlife enthusiasts and bird watchers alike. 

Popular ZIP Codes

Baytown, Texas, is a vibrant city in Harris County, southeast of Houston. It is home to several popular zip codes that offer a variety of amenities, attractions, and residential options.  

Here are the zip codes in Baytown: 

  • 77520 
  • 77521 
  • 77522 
  • 77523 

Living and Moving to Baytown, Texas

If you intend to Baytown, prepare for a laid-back, Texas-sized adventure. Baytown is a city with a unique charm and a lot to offer. Whether you’re a nature lover or just looking for a friendly community, this city is your place. 

Baytown is home to some beautiful parks and recreational areas. You can explore the scenic trails at the Baytown Nature Center or enjoy a picnic by the water at the Pirates Bay Water Park. The city also offers plenty of opportunities for boating, fishing, and birdwatching. So, grab your hiking boots, fishing rod, or camera, and get ready to immerse yourself in the city’s natural beauty.  

Now, let’s touch on basic expenditures. Living in Baytown is relatively affordable compared to other major cities in Texas. Housing prices are reasonable, and you’ll find various housing options to suit your needs.  

When it comes to employment opportunities, Baytown has a thriving economy, primarily driven by the petrochemical industry. Major companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron have a strong presence in the area, offering a range of job opportunities. The healthcare and education sectors are also significant employers in the region. 


Is Baytown Texas a Good Place to Live?

As with any place, the suitability of Baytown as a place to live depends on individual preferences and circumstances. The city offers a wide range of job opportunities and boasts a lower cost of living than other large Texas cities. The city has parks and nature trails for outdoor enthusiasts and several public schools. Consider your priorities and lifestyle to determine if Baytown is a good place to live. 

Is Baytown Expensive to Live?

Baytown, Texas, stands out as a city renowned for its remarkably affordable cost of living when compared to other cities in the United States. In various aspects, including housing, transportation, and groceries, the overall cost of living in Baytown remains notably lower than the national average.


When it comes to electricity rates, staying informed can save you some hard-earned cash. The per kWh price of electricity in Baytown is relatively affordable, but you can save a few more bucks. Changing your power consumption habits and switching to a provider with lower rates are ways to lower your electric bills. 

Due to the number of electric companies in Baytown, you have an excellent chance of finding a rate option that suits you. Take advantage of online resources, customer reviews, and reliable sources like our website to make an informed decision.

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